Ballistic Shields

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There are two main types of ballistic shields. Pistol Rated Shields and Rifle Rated Shields.
Pistol Rated Shields: A pistol rated shield is a ballistic shield that has been tested to stop handgun rounds. These shields are usually lighter weight and less expensive than rifle rated shields.
Rifle Rated Ballistic Shields: A rifle rated shield is a ballistic shield that has been tested to stop rifle rounds. Up until 2022, these shields were usually heavier and more expensive than pistol rated shields. With advances in ballistic technology, affordable, lightweight, multi-hit rifle plates are available at EOD Gear.
Don't be confused by Riot Shields. Riot shields offer no ballistic protection.
Making an armor decision doesn't have to be a grueling task. The staff at EOD Gear are former end-users and can act as your guide to ensure you're getting the best shield to meet your needs as well as your budget. Please feel free to call us at 877-363-2626 or click HERE.
When considering your ballistic shield options, you must first understand what the maximum threat is that you realistically will face. Is your primary threat pistol or rifle? Do you anticipate that the pistol threat will be hollow point or full metal jacket? What about the rifle ballistics?
If your primary threat is pistol, then a Level IIIA pistol shield should suffice. The weight of the shield and the ability for it to stop high velocity rounds may not be required.
With the number of AR and AK platform weapons on the street it may be necessary to move up to a Level III Rifle Rated Ballistic Shield. In the past these shields were difficult to carry and maneuver. With advances in ballistic technology, lightweight, multi-hit, high-power rifle shields are available at EOD Gear.
Imagine carrying a lightweight, Level III+ rifle shield with a viewport that weighs in at 17 pounds! Click HERE to see the latest in ballistic technology or continue to struggle against the real-world threats.
Yes, ballistic shields can be effective in providing protection against ballistic threats, including bullets and other projectiles. Ballistic shields are typically made of materials such as aramid fibers, ceramics, or metals, which are designed to absorb and disperse the energy of a bullet, reducing its velocity and stopping it from penetrating the shield.
The effectiveness of a ballistic shield depends on several factors, including its design, construction, and the materials used. Some shields may be rated to withstand multiple hits from certain types of ammunition, while others may provide only limited protection against certain types of projectiles. Additionally, the size and weight of a ballistic shield can also impact its effectiveness, as a larger and heavier shield may provide more protection but may also be more difficult to maneuver and carry.
Overall, ballistic shields can be an effective tool for law enforcement, military, and security personnel in providing protection against ballistic threats in a variety of situations. However, it is important to note that no shield is completely bulletproof, and proper training and use of the shield is essential for ensuring maximum effectiveness and minimizing risk to the user.