The Disposable Tripwire Finder is the most cost-effective way to be able to find tripwires during clearance operations within a building or in the field.
Made from marking ribbon, the core weight carries the 100 foot ribbon all the way out to cover the greatest distance than cloth tripwire finders. A plus when you're in a big hurry to get to your target.
The core is a 1/2 inch thick steel stock cut to the width of the tape and ground to a smooth edge so there's no worry of hanging up on other gear.
The total thickness is 1 5/8 inches making this tripwire finder small enough to carry a bunch of these in your kit.
Although we consider these disposable, these tripwire finders can be thrown again due to the weight of the core. Re-spooling is difficult can be done with patience.
During our initial runs we threw and re-spooled these repeatedly. It sucked and took a while but it can be done. If you're not patient, consider the reusable cloth tripwire finders.