
EOD K102 Wildcat Disrupter Kit


EOD K101 Wildcat Disrupter unit

The New 12 gauge disrupter with ACME threads with the same specs as the original PAN. 

The Wildcat Disrupter is a Breech loaded, 12 Gauge system, that can accept up to 3½” fired rounds. Velocities up to 3650 Feet per second for specific rounds.

•The Wildcat Disrupter is Shock Tube initiated, and uses the new push lock breech cap and plug .

•LARGE Water volume of 140ml to maximize disruption (Velocity of 1450 feet per second).

•It is constructed of high grade Stainless Steel, capable of firing all of the same rounds as an original PAN™

•This disrupter has the same barrel diameter and clamping knurled section a PAN™, so all mounts and lasers used on a PAN™ will work on this barrel.

•The Wildcat Disrupter has a 24" Barrel.

• This disrupter has the exact same capabilities as an original PAN™ disrupter. The only difference is this barrel has ACME threads. The breech will not lock onto the barrel.

EOD K101 Wildcat Disrupter unit SPECS:

  • 1 1107 24” Stainless Steel Barrel (12ga)
  • 1 4340 ACME Breech Cap
  • 1 K4350PL Push lock breech plug assembly
  • 1 2001 Seating Tool
  • 1 2010 Shell Extractor
  • 1 7250PL 7/16 Nut Driver
  • 2 3000PL Firing pins (push lock)
  • 3 3020PL Springs (push lock)
  • 1 4351 Push lock fitting
  • 4 3073YPL Push lock “Y” fitting
  • 2 3073CPL Push lock coupling
  • 1 3130 WD-40
  • 1 7110 Firing Pin Tool
  • 50 3090 Red plugs
  • 50 3100 Black plugs
  • 1 5060 Water bottle
  • 1 5000 CD Manual
  • 1 2055 Duke Pro ESI/2
  • 1 2050 Omni MK31 Initiator
  • 1 K2001 Laser sight and adapter
  • 1 2045 Gun Bore cleaning snake
  • 1 K4020 Plastic Case with foam insert
  • 1 K3118 Aluminum Post Stand.