This IED Awareness Course is ideal for those that are somehow involved in Public Safety whether it be as SWAT, Patrols, Executive Protection, Physical Security Managers, Educators and Investigators.
This course will give you the tools you need to make recommendations on improving SOP's to enabling a more keen eye on your surroundings as you conduct your day-to-day mission.
You will be shown how an IED circuit works, the components used in most IED's, blasting caps, dynamite and C4. We will hand out components of an IED for you to hold in your hands so that you better understand how IED's work.
We will also pass around real devices (less the initiator and explosives) and see how they are deployed or set up for maximum damage.
At some point in the future, you may be asked to search a room, classroom, auditorium, vehicle, etc. We'll cover different search techniques so you are the most prepared.
After a short break, you will walk through scenarios where you have to find the devices and explain how they are triggered.
We will finish up the day with Q&A.
The course is $150 or two for $225. You may also pay $160 at the door on the day of the class.