Warrior's Enhanced Padded Load Bearing Patrol belt (PLB). The inside wall of the belt accommodates extra padded sections made from closed cell foam and covered in air mesh fabric for ultimate prolonged comfort. 4 x I.T.W. Non I.R. reflective D Rings allow the attachment of Warriors New Low Profile Harness. In addition the PLB provides an extended lumbar section in the middle of the internal part of the belt which seats the PLB Belt comfortably in the lower back and adds support, it also features a unique quick and easy adjustment system.
One size fits most operators.
I can't stress enough the Attention To Detail that goes in to making the entire line of Warrior Assault Systems gear.
A SWAT buddy of mine ordered in this belt along with the Load Bearing Molle Harness. I took my time looking for a flaw and couldn't find one. Same as all of the other Warrior Assault Systems gear.
Not only that, the design has the operator in mind. We've all had buckles come on done but WAS uses a 2 step release which ensures the belt is only coming off if you want and when you want it to.
The smaller horizontal button must be pressed in addition to the standard squeeze buttons we're all used to using.
The picture above shows the section that would be riding against your spine. Very well padded from a material that won't hold sweat and water.
This picture shows the belt upside down and what we're pointing out is the top band of MOLLE is actually doubled up! If you have drop rig that you want to attach, you can still add pouches on that part of the belt. No more dead space on your belt.
If you're looking for truly professional gear that can be worn over exteded periods of time, this is the belt for you.