The Rip Away EOD Pouch MOLLE Base now makes it easier for you to mount your Rip Away EOD Pouch to as many places as you need it! Use this to mount your pouch to your pack, belt, vest or any surface that it makes sense to keep your kit handy.
All EOD-Gear brand pouches, bags, packs and other sewn items are Guaranteed against any physical defect, rip, tear, broken zipper for the length of your career or 20 years whichever is longer!
Simply send us a picture of the damaged item and we will replace it no questions asked.
We got a call from a Bomb Squad that ordered 6 of our kits in the EOD Specific Rip Away Tool Pouch. They loved the kits but wanted to find out how to wear it on their belts.
We started spinning up the sewing machines when I remembered something from Physics class a really long time ago.
All you have to do to wear our MOLLE Base on your belt is to fold over the Retention Strap as seen above.
From there you'll be able to insert your belt giving you a universal fit. Once your belt is tightened around your body, friction takes care of the rest.
We had one of our 18D's in to try it out. After putting the Pouch on his belt, he ripped it off from standing, kneeling and sitting positions. The Pouch came off and the base stayed in place secure on his belt.
Hope this helps. If you try this out, let us know how it works out.